



 Radio Maribor:  Presentation of the MiCreate project at the international migrants day. 13 December 2019

 Primorske novice: Migration: a voice of reason in the times of madness. 15 February 2019

• Regional Obala: Big success of the ZRS Koper: It became the leading partner of an international project on the integration of immigrant children. 24 January 2019

• Slovenian Press Agency: An international project on the integration of migrant children launched in Portorož. 24 January 2019

• Primorske novice: If ever, now is the time for the voice of science to be heard. 25 January 2019

• Delo: Bridges for the inclusion of young people. 11 January 2019

• TV Koper Capodistria: MICREATE project. 10 January 2019

• Primorske novice:  Winners “Academic Olympic Games”. 10 January 2019

• Regional Obala: Exceptional achievement of researchers from ZRS Koper. 9 January 2019

• TV Koper Capodistria: ZRS Koper becomes a lead partner of a European project on migrant children. 9 January 2019

• Slovenian Press Agency: Science and Research Centre Koper was granted nearly three million grant within Horizon 2020. 8 January 2019

Tok Tok znanost: How can we help migrant children to integrate into the new country? March 2021 

Consortium of European Social Sciences Data Archives: Peter Čerče, Data Officer, Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe (MICREATE) project, tells his story on using the guide for ethical challenges with interview data. February 2020

Primorske novice:  Great differences between schools. November 2020

 Platinum: Presentation of the project in the magazine (pp. 78-79). March 2020 Immigrant children in the Maribor primary schools: ˝These children are heroes˝. (Presentation of the project in the webzine). February 2020

 Radio Maribor:  Presentation of the project at the international migrants day. 13 December 2019

 Primorske novice: Migration: a voice of reason in the times of madness. 15 February 2019

• Regional Obala: Big success of the ZRS Koper: It became the leading partner of an international project on the integration of immigrant children. 24 January 2019

• Slovenian Press Agency: An international project on the integration of migrant children launched in Portorož. 24 January 2019

• Primorske novice: If ever, now is the time for the voice of science to be heard. 25 January 2019

• TV Koper Capodistria: Presentation of the project in the regional news (starts at the 7.20 minute). 26 Jaunary 2019

• Delo: Bridges for the inclusion of young people. 11 January 2019

• TV Koper Capodistria: MICREATE project. 10 January 2019

• Primorske novice:  Winners “Academic Olympic Games”. 10 January 2019

• Regional Obala: Exceptional achievement of researchers from ZRS Koper. 9 January 2019

• TV Koper Capodistria: ZRS Koper becomes a lead partner of a European project on migrant children. 9 January 2019

• Slovenian Press Agency: Science and Research Centre Koper was granted nearly three million grant within Horizon 2020. 8 January 2019

Universitat Wien; Medienportal: Integration im Distance Learning? Große gesamtgesellschaftliche Herausforderung. 23 June 2021

•Austrian Press Agency: Integration in Distance Learning? Strukturelle Herausforderungen benötigen strukturelle Antworten. 10 June 2021 Corona – Forscher: Rücksicht auf Online-Lernsituation der Schüler. 18 November 2020

APA: Corona – Forscher: Rücksicht auf Online-Lernsituation der Schüler. 18 November 2020

ORF ZIBNight: Forscherin Cakir über “Pandemie-Gap”. 18 November 2020

Science ORF: Forscher warnen vor „Pandemie-Gap“. 18 November 2020

Universitat Wien; Medienportal: Der “Pandemie Gap” in der Bildung. 17 November 2020

World Today News: The “Pandemic Gap” in Education. 17 November 2020

 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Role play in the association. Women’s Politics in Turkey.  10 April 2019

Schools Week: Migrant children need targeted support through lockdown. 18 January 2021

CEAR Andalucía Red Refugio. Infancia e inclusión: Menores migrantes y su adaptación a una nueva sociedad. May 2022. 

REUNI+D, University Network for Research and Educational Innovation: Migrant students in Educational Systems from a child and youth-centred research. April 2021.

Radio 4, RTVE (Corporación de Radio y Televisión Española): Un món possible (Interview with Fernando Hernández and Juana M. Sancho). December 2020.

El Diari de l´Educació: Els efectes de la crisi del coronavirus en els menors d´origen migrant. October 2020.

El Diario de la Educación: Los efectos de la crisis del coronavirus en los menores de origen migrante. October 2020. Report from the press conference held during the executive board meeting in Krakow. December 2021 An article about the Micreate research results on the education of children in transition. October 2021

• Edukacja Międzykulturowa: The local dimension of children’s migrations and its impact on EU integration policy. Cracow, 4-5th December, 2020. Conference report by Adam Bulandra. September 2021

Dziennik Polski: An interview with Jakub Kościółek, mentioning also MiCreate project. July 2021

Gazeta Wyborcza: The article about the school in Bezwola, in which MiCreate research was conducted. February 2021

Twój Problem – Moja Sprawa: Presentation of the project during the radio interview. February 2021

 HaloRadio: Presentation of the project during the radio interview (starts at the 31st min.). October 2019 Presentation of the MiCreate project. September 2021