Conference Societies and spaces in contact: Between convergence and divergence (Portorož and Trieste, September 2019)

Mateja Sedmak, Barbara Gornik and Zorana Medarić attended the international conference Societies and spaces in contact: Between convergence and divergence, where they presented the paper Potentials of a child-centred approach to the integration of migrant children

The third executive meeting (Hamburg, September 2019)

Third Executive Board meeting was held at University of Hamburg. Representatives of Executive Board were discussing MiCreate Methodological Protocol: Fieldwork in Schools. The main focus of discussion was the participatory observation methodology as the first field work activity started in September 2019.

Conference ECER (Hamburg, September 2019)

Conference ECER 2019 ‘Education in an Era of Risk – the Role of Educational Research for the Future (Hamburg, 2-6 September 2019). More about the conference: